The revelation of this future

  What it is the luture of a creature; but his person, his hypostasis, by Reebok Easytone acquiring the grace of die 1 loly Spirit, by this very fact associates zigtech itself with Divine life, thus changing the very being of its creaiurcly nature. The grace of the reebok zig pulse Holy Spirit penetrates into his nature, com¬bines with it. fills and transfigures it. Man grows, as it were, into the eternal life, already hs're on earth acqui¬ring the beginning of this life, the beginning of dei¬fication, which will be nude fully manifest ui the life to come.
The revelation of this future transfigured corporality is SIMIWII to us in (he Transfiguration of our Lord on Mount Tabor "And was transfigured before them.
manolo blahnik shoes and his fact- did shine as lhe sun, and jimmy choo shoes his raiment was white as the light" (Matt, xvii, 2». In other word the whole body of the b>rd was transfigured, becoming as it were a radiant manolo blahnik raiment of the Deity. "AN regards the character of jimmy choo the Transfiguration", say the Fathers of the Vllth Oecumenical Council, referring to St Athanasius the Great, "it was not that easytone the VC'otd laid aside His human form, but rather thar the latter was illumined by His glory."1 Thus in the Transfiguration "on Mount Tabor not only does the Deity appear to men. but manhood appears in Divine glory."- A man w ht> has acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit becomes a participant Zig Pulse of this Divine Reebok Easy Tone glory, this "uncrcatcd and Disine radiance ", as St. Gregory Pajamas' called the light of Mount Tabor In other words, uniting with the Deny, lie bctomcs illumined by His uncreatcd light, thus assuming the likeness of the radiant body of Christ. St. Simeon the New Theologian describes his personal experience of this inner illumination in the following words, amongst Reebok others: "Having become all fire in his reebok zig soul, he Reebok (man) transmits the inner radiancegained by him also to the body, just as physical fire transmits its elicit to iron."1 Reebok Shoes However, as iron is not transformed into fire but remains iron, merely becoming purified, so here the entire human nature becximes transfigured but nothing in it is destroyed or taken away. On lhe contrary. being purified of extraneous, foreign and sinful elements, it becomes spiritualised and illumined So it can be said that a saint is more truly a man than is a sinner, Reebok Zig Pulse since, by reassuming likeness to God. he achieves the original purpose of his being, is clorhcd in the incorruptible Bcaui) of the Kingdom of liod where God King¬dom attnbuteof an but creature, bclonging beauty it, understands Church Orthodox Therefore, life. his participates creation.
Par oneworld234 le mercredi 11 août 2010


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