Vllth Oecumenical Council

 St. Dionysius the Arcopagite calls God Beauty "owing to the splendour He sheds jimmy choo on every being, to each in its proper measure", and also because he sees in Him "the cause of the harmony and the brilliant raiments of every creature, for He illumines all tilings, like light, by (touring out beauty from that radiant source, which wells up from Himself.'"'Thus every creature shares in Divine Beauty in its proper measure, and bears as it were the seal of us Reebok Zig Pulse Creator Yet. zigtech this seal is riot Ciod's likeness but merely * beauty belonging to the creature. It is a means, and riot the end; a way where "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world arc clearly seen, being under¬stood by the things that arc made, jimmy choo shoes even his eternal power and (iodhead . . ." (Rom. i. 20). Tlie beauty of the visible world lies not in the transitory splendour of its present state, but in the very meaning of its exis¬tence. in its coming transfiguration laid dow n manolo blahnik in it as a possibility to be realised by man. Inothcr words, beauty is holiness, and its radiance the participation of the reebok zig creature in Divine Beauty.
On the plane of human creative work, beauty is the crowning given by God. the seal of
Reebok Easy Tone the conformity of the image easytone to its prototype, Reebok of the reebok zig pulse symbol to what it represents, that is. manolo blahnik shoes to the Kingdom of the Spirit. The beauty of an icon is the beauty of the acquired likeness Reebok Easytone to God and so its value lies not in its being beautiful in itself, in its appearance as a beautiful object, but in the Reebok fact (hat it depicts Ilcauty.
As regards the relationship of the representation, the icon, with what it represents, the Fathers of the Vllth Oecumenical Council say die following, clearly in answer to the accusation of nestorianism nude by the
Reebok Shoes iconoclasts against the Orthodox. "Although the creatcd the world, teeing it aptatcd by trm pests and in danger of being engulfed in the 'place of unlikenest. took tht helm of the toul an J came to m aid. setting right all itt transgresitoni." St.Augustine says in hit.diolic Church depicts Christ in 1 lis human aspect, it does not separate His flesh from Zig Pulse the Divinity conjoined with it. On die contrary, it believes that the flesh is deified and professes it to be one with the Divinity, in accordance widi the teaching of the great Gregory the Theologian and with truth. Yet it docs not thereby make the flesh of our Lord not deified. Just as a painter who makes a portrait ofa man does not. thereby, render him inanimate, but on the contrary the man remains ani¬mate and the painting is called his portrait because of its likeness to him. so also we. in nuking an icon, confess the body of the Lord to be deified and regard the icon as nothing else dun an icon, representing a likeness of the prototype, for this reason the icon receives the name of the Lord.
Par oneworld234 le mercredi 11 août 2010


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