Through this alone is it in communion with Him; and for this reason it is worthy of homage and is holy."1 As these words show, the icon is a Reebok Easytone likeness not of an animate but ofa deified prototype, that is, Reebok Shoes is an image (conventional, of course) not of corruptible flesh, but of flesh transfigured, radiant with Divine light. It is Beauty and Glory, represented by material means and visible in the icon to physical eyes. Consequently everything which reminds of die corruptible human flesh is con¬trary to the very nature of the icon, for "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; neither doth cor¬ruption inherit incorruption" (i Cor. xv, 50). and jimmy choo shoes a temporal portrait ofa Reebok Easy Tone saint cannot be an icon, precise!)* because it reflects not his transfigured but his ordinary, carnal state. It is indeed diis peculunty of the icon that sets it apart from all forms of pictorial art.
St. Dionysius the Arcopagite calls God Beauty "owing to the splendour He sheds jimmy choo on every being, to each in its proper measure", and also because he sees in Him "the cause of the harmony and the brilliant raiments of every creature, for He illumines all tilings, like light, by (touring out beauty from that radiant source, which wells up from Himself.'"'Thus every creature shares in Divine Beauty in its proper measure, and bears as it were the seal of us Reebok Zig Pulse Creator Yet. zigtech this seal is riot Ciod's likeness but merely * beauty belonging to the creature. It is a means, and riot the end; a way where "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world arc clearly seen, being under¬stood by the things that arc made, jimmy choo shoes even his eternal power and (iodhead . . ." (Rom. i. 20). Tlie beauty of the visible world lies not in the transitory splendour of its present state, but in the very meaning of its exis¬tence. in its coming transfiguration laid dow n manolo blahnik in it as a possibility to be realised by man. Inothcr words, beauty is holiness, and its radiance the participation of the reebok zig creature in Divine Beauty.
Man enters into the design of the Holy Reebok Trinity concerning him and creates his likeness tis Cod, insofar Reebok Zig Pulse as is possible for hnn, "for the exprcssisin 'according to likeness' means Reebok likeness to God reebok zig pulse in virtues (perfections)"in this way participating in the work of Divine creation.